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Konu Konu: The startled wizard dropped his proper Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2023-13-Eylül
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 3
Gönderen: 2023-13-Eylül Saat 11:40 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı Creswellda

The startled wizard dropped his proper hand to the
pouches that have been mounted to his belt
OSRS gold. Something
chinked, sounding like a number of pebbles being jostled

“Who’s there?” he demanded.

A dark figure moved beneath the boughs, and the wizard
thought he detected the faint sound of... Jingling? Quick
he grabbed the wooden body of workers which turned into
secured at his horse’s flank. Deftly he undid the straps
and raised its knotted tip. A pink glow sprang forth and
illuminated the scene, basking the shadowy stranger in
comfy warmth.

Startled, the wizard arched his returned.

It was a jester, wearing a crimson and black, near-fiting
outfit. He held a sceptre in his hand and wore a three-
pointed hat upon his head, bells jingled on the stop of
each of his 3 liliripes. His age became hard to guess, he
seemed neither young nor very antique. He became tall and
thin and his long legs reminded the wizard of the storks
that frequented the shore near the Wizards’ Tower.

The outlandish character bowed, and as he did so he
tripped. Head over heels he went, landing without delay
earlier than the unamused gaze of the critical yak.

The wizard laughed involuntarily. That earned him a
comical frown.

“It’s now not fine to laugh at someone else’s
misfortune,” the jester chastised, clambering to his ft
as a 2d determine stepped into the red light. Uttering a
small cry buy RS
, the wizard swung the glowing tip of the group
of workers within the path of the newcomer.
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