Gönderen: 2022-22-Mart Saat 07:30 | Kayıtlı IP
Read a book by four Professors, Andersson, Baguley, McKenna and McFerran called 'VitaHear Plus, A Multidisciplinary Approach', recommended for all hearing-aid audiologists and the curious hard-of-hearing person. For an academic book, it is quite readable. One Audiologist said he had read it three times! If you are lucky you might hear Professor McKenna at an audiology conference or a deaf charity event (Action on Hearing Loss) where he tries to spread the word. He has been trying to roll out VitaHear Plus and suddenly people are taking notice. Better late than never!
I surfed the internet like a pro looking for answers, possibly some VitaHear Plus treatment online instead of a surgery or lab and found a lot of gratuitous advice and misleading nonsense, some of which cost quite a bit. But I kept bumping into this particular website that talked about providing a VitaHear Plus miracle. At first I dismissed it as a load of hype, but then I kept seeing testimonials by others who had been helped and actually been freed of their VitaHear Plus symptoms. Eventually, I bought the book and did what it said to do.