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Konu Konu: Diablo 2 Resurrected lighting was extreme Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2021-18-Agustos
Ülke: Banglades
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 70
Gönderen: 2021-30-Aralik Saat 21:38 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı kelchyjzzyger

Converting D2R Powerleveling from a two-dimensional to a
three-dimensional graphic space while maintaining the
game's gameplay is the most difficult aspect of creating
a faithful remake of resurrected-items/xbox%20one">Diablo 2 Resurrected Items
Xbox S
.  This classic role-playing game has been
called into question by experts and veteran players alike
as to whether or not it can be faithfully recreated for
modern systems with any level of accuracy at all.  Their
concerns about the state of the environment have been
expressed in articles and interviews that have been
written and given by them.

If David Brevik, the creator of the Diablo games, is
asked about the possibility of a faithful remake, he
responds that it would be nearly impossible to recreate
the game's original feel in a 2017 interview, saying, "If
they do a buy D2R items Remaster, it will be difficult to
recreate the game's original feel. "Despite the fact that
this is theoretically possible, they would need to take
additional precautions to ensure that they are simulating
the game's functionality in 2D rather than rendering it
in 3D, if that makes any sense, before they could do it.

The programmers ultimately decided to do the same thing
as well, which was a good thing.  A 3D sprite engine was
built on top of the original engine, which allowed them
to keep the backend the same while updating the visuals,
which was a good decision.  Additionally, it appears to
be quite attractive, at least to my eyes.

According to Bukowski, the only way to stay true to this
game was to build off of the original game's visuals,
which he describes as a "no-brainer. "It was a difficult
decision whether to design it in such a way that the
original sprites would be up-res'ed or whether to leave
them as-is.  Do we, on the other hand, strive to
maintain the vision that the game's original developers
had in mind for it? in accordance with the author

Consequently, a large number of artistic decisions had to
be made as a result of this.  A significant amount of
original concept art was also used, according to the
developers, with the art team working hard to achieve a
balance between the original aesthetic and the spirit of
that aesthetic at all times.  The game's gameplay
mechanics and mechanics were also taken into
consideration when developing the new graphics.

With regard to lighting, there was a point in time when
we went even further than we had previously done in terms
of innovation.  The graphics team was investigating the
use of a highly sophisticated global illumination system,
but it quickly became clear that turning it on would
cause light to bounce in too many places, resulting in an
entirely different level of visibility than the game's
original.  We were unable to have you participate in the
original experience because we needed to ensure that you
were participating in the actual original experience.

We never intended for you to be able to get more or less
information by altering the graphics, says Gallerani in
the remainder of his statement.  As a result, lighting
was extremely important in this scenario.  Isn't it true
that the game is played entirely in the darkest of
environments? Making something that is a real dark,
gritty environment look as lifelike as possible while
also making it playable is a completely different story.
 A gem drops in front of me, and I imagine myself as a
bloodthirsty barbarian as I fight dark corpses on a muddy
field soaked with rain.  Finding that buried treasure is
not something I want to do at all!

He went on to say, "Well, yeah!"In order to combat this,
we implemented additional technology in the form of
additional light passes, because, as a gamer, I am still
capable of detecting this type of behavior.  Similarly,
when creating an animated sprite-based object, another
type of item was created in such a way that itStrengths
as an animated sprite were highlighted.  This new
creature is an example of such a type of item.  It's
possible that something was done in a way that wasn't
realistically. . . We'll refine the details in the next
step, but the overall silhouette will be identical to the
one from the original sprite.  In a video game setting,
it is possible to overdo the realism factor to an
unhealthy degree.
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