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Konu Konu: nike air more uptempo peace love and bask Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2021-20-Mayis
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 4
Gönderen: 2021-20-Mayis Saat 10:06 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı 5bcnbqdf

This season, Nike has taken the opportunity to highlight several of their forthcoming themed Sportswear collections including that of their collaborations with 3M, the “Have A Good Game” capsule, and more recently the Peace, Love, and Basketball assortment. The latter, after recently uncovering styles such as the Blazer Mid and Challenger OG, is now ushering in three more kids-exclusive variations.

The silhouette of choice is the Air More Uptempo.Once again, it’s the Golden State Warriors-like ensemble that coat its upper half to further emphasize its nike shoes mens white Bay Area influence. Blue leather base layers are unified with that of oversized “AIR” branding that mix between yellow backdrops and bold black lettering, all of which are paired up next to white mesh throats and midsoles. For consistency, these pairs will also feature insoles that are stamped with a skeletal peace sign and collection’s title.

The Nike classic Air More Uptempo has always been treated as something special nike air more uptempo peace love and basketball and has seen much attention diverted towards it over the years. This particular shoe line has seen many upgrades, with the Swoosh brand going a bit wild with them sometimes. However, the new rendition in the long front of Uptempo ‘96 QS is much more down to earth.

This new Air More Uptempo is Release Date an excellent balance between the old and new. It utilizes the strengths of the classic shoe and updates it in an unobtrusive manner that enhances rather than obfuscates. It is a high sneaker that combines different generations seamlessly and offers something beautiful.

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