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Konu Konu: A participant with 99 strength can hit at Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2021-29-Nisan
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 1
Gönderen: 2021-29-Nisan Saat 12:03 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı Maymay

A participant OSRS Items with 99 strength can hit at least 40 damage using a dragon dagger (disputed )(DDS) without any prayers, potions or armor bonuses. The DDS's special attack strikes twice for every 1 hit. Using this special drains 25% of the exceptional bar each time, so from a full special bar a fighter can use the DDS unique attack four times in a row; this implies they could hit eight strikes when they normally would have hit four.

The DDS is a somewhat cheap weapon and not too difficult to acquire. That having been said, a player with 99 power can hypothetically hit 320 damage in the length of four ordinary attacks (assuming the attacker strikes a 40-40 particular each time, which is highly improbable ). An easy 25-25 may take out more than half of their wellness (HP) a high leveled player has, all in the span of a single swipe! Needless to say, the DDS is an intensely common weapon with which to fight.

Melee armor is well known for its high melee defense and outstanding ranged defense. Although very heavy and outfitted with quite poor magic protection, these sheets of metal are worn out by the best players we've. (NOTE: The dragonfire protector is a shield with not just a very wonderful defense, but a special attack. Every thirty seconds or so, if charged, the DFS may hit an opponent with dragonfire. Such an attack is very powerful, especially considering it came from a defense.)

Many melee-users rely upon armor such as Karil's and black d'hide to protect them nicely from every kind of combat. This enables them to be powerfully protected from magical attacks while still being able to strike hard with melee; ranged armor RS 2007 Accounts doesn't badly effect the usage of melee-weapons.
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