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Konu Konu: How To Keep The Wave And Curl Hair Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2019-13-Mayis
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 1
Gönderen: 2019-13-Mayis Saat 04:42 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı alihair

Most people usually complain the wave and curl can’t keep
looking like before after washing their
wig.html">Wigs . In fact, all people with wavy and
curly hair always have the same problems, but why some
people they don’t complain, and their wave and the curl
also looks beautiful even they wash the hair many times. In
fact, for a beautiful wavy or curly hair style, it is
always depends on how we could take good care on it.
wigs.html">Bob Wigs are the professional hair factory,
we are not only know how to make a hair extension, but also
could tell our customers how to keep the wave and curl
after washing the hair. Hair tell you all secret and help
you on how to take care and keep your wavy and curly hair.

1. After washing hair, we will find the wave and
wig.html">Human Hair Wigs will become to a straight
hair or very loose, not as beautiful as before. Please
don’t worry. First, please dry the hair gently with a
towel. Remember don’t dry very strongly, because the hairs
cuticle is open when the hair is wet, it is easy to break
the hair when dry strongly.

2. When there is no water drop from the hair, please use a
cold wind or let the hair dry naturally in the air. But
please remember, don’t let the hair completely dry, just
leave it is a little wet, then put some hair care oil on
your hand and knead it buy your hands.

3. When the hair care oil is evenly on your hands, please
smear on your hair, remember , please use your fingers to
comb and go through your hair, from end to top, there is no
need to put to much oil on the top, we need more natural on
the top. And the wave and the curl are usually need to be
kept better and better from top and end. The oil is smeared
more evenly, and then the wavy and the curly will be more
beautiful. And during the time when you smear the hair,
please also roll the hair evenly by your hand, don’t go

4. Then after you finish smearing the oil, and then please
putting hair spray to fix the wavy and the curly, also need
to spray evenly. Please remember not to use too much.

5. Last, please dry the hair completely, for this Step,
please remember you can’t use a wind to blow the hair
divergent, so this is very important for you to just use a
hair blow with a wavy or curly dryer. Please see the photo
as below for with kind. This one could be dry and fix the
wavy and curly very well.

6. And don’t forget to deep conditioning the hair every 2
weeks. This is to give nutrition to the hair to keep it
well, not easy to feel dry. Then will no have problems on
tangle and shedding.

When you could follow all these steps, then you will be
never having problems on the wavy and curly hair after
washing. AliPearlHair is professional; just contact us if
you have any questions.

AlipearlHair Website:
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