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Konu Konu: 2024 Thanksgiving & Black Friday Promotio Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2024-28-Kasim
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 5
Gönderen: 2024-29-Kasim Saat 12:06 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı RyujiSaeki

2024 Thanksgiving & BThanksgiving and Black Friday are coming together this weekend. While celebrating the holidays with friends, IGGM has also prepared many gifts and surprises for our vast number of gamers. Let's take a look!

The first is free gifts. After we place an order, especially for currency products, we can randomly get extra gifts, up to an extra 10%. It can be said that IGGM has also invested a lot of money this time.

The main event must be the Lucky Wheel Draw this time. After we purchase an order of goods with an amount of more than $10, we can participate in a lucky draw, and the rewards are as follows:
3% Code
5% Code
8% Code
10% Code
20% Code
$5 Coupon
$10 Coupon
$20 Coupon
$50 Coupon
$100 Coupon
If I win the $100 Coupon, I can't imagine how excited I will be!

And the probability of this lottery is 100%, that is, as long as we participate in the lottery, we will definitely get something.

It is worth noting that the discount code is only valid once, so after using it once, the discount code will become invalid. And I know a discount code "WATER" that can be used all the time. This discount code can get an extra 5% discount, and it can be used all the time, which will definitely help you.lack Friday Promotion - IGGM
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