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Kayıt Tarihi: 2021-30-Mart
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 1
Gönderen: 2021-08-Nisan Saat 10:12 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı z2ugame

12793">Idle Legends Gods Saga Diamonds Top Up
Homer’s Iliad Odyssey and Greek Mythology in its
entirety are all steeped in tales of legendary creatures.
In Total War Saga: Troy you’ll get to recruit some of
these mythological creatures such as cyclopes minotaurs
sirens gorgons and more. Some of them act as battlefield
units while others are considered “epic agents.”
Here’s our guide to help you out.Note: For more
information check out our Total War Saga: Troy guides and
features hub.Total War Saga: Troy focuses on a “truth
behind the myth” approach. As mentioned in our official
review these mythological creatures are just man-sized
troops or agents akin to Bronze Age cosplayers and they
might not please those who are looking for a full-on
fantastical depiction.

12793">Buy Idle Legends Gods Saga Diamonds I
digress. The point here is that you can recruit them
during your Total War Saga: Troy campaigns but there are
a few requirements:Some mythological creatures can be
recruited from specific settlements (marked with an
icon). If you capture that settlement you’ll see a
notification telling you about “exceptional warriors.”
In turn you’ll need to construct a special building
(yellow line) that enables the recruitment of these
troops although their numbers are limited. Here are some
examples (these are all combat units):Reaching the
maximum cult tier (Worshipped) for a particular god or
goddess via the Divine Will mechanic unlocks the
recruitment of a specific mythological creature.

They can be recruited in any settlement (epic agents) or
by any army (combat units). For the latter the number of
recruits is still limited by the settlements you own.Some
events or missions will also net you a mythological
creature or epic agent that will be available for
recruitment. One early mission requires you to reach 250
favor with any deity to get a mythological creature. If
you recruit this troop you’ll get an epic agent too.Your
generals and the game itself sure love to mention the
word “epic” for some reason. I don’t know if this has
anything to do with Total War Saga: Troy‘s timed
Yukarı Dön Göster z2ugame's Özellikler Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: z2ugame

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